Birth & Postpartum Preparation

Welcome! I am planning the next course for August 2024

Hi! My name is Anya, and I would love to invite you to an in-depth 10-hr course to prepare together for both the birth and the postpartum time.

I am a certified childbirth educator and a birth doula, you can find me at has been my home for the last 3.5 years, and it has been a great pleasure to meet and support wonderful families!

This time I will do a free "get to know each other" session on Thursday Aug 15 at 5pm. I will share a bit about the course and you can get to know me before the course starts ☀️ Happy to welcome you!

When and where do we meet?
There will be 4 meetings, each class will be about 2-3hrs.
We will meet 4 times:- Tuesday Aug 20: 5-7:30pm
- Thursday Aug 22: 5-7:30pm
- Tuesday Aug 27: 5-7:30pm
- Thursday Aug 29: 5-7:30pm
We will meet in a cozy space close to Majorstuen. The address will be shared upon sign-up.Get to know each other meetingThis time around I would like to do an intro meeting on Aug 15 before the series start. It would be an opportunity to get to know each other and the space.What topics do we cover?
- The "culture" of birth, birth satisfaction factors, decision making, and the birth plan
- The start of labor, stages of labor, the hormones, pain-coping practices and partner support
- What to expect the first 24 hours after birth and in the first days postpartum: expectations, the body, and the emotions
- Babies' needs, care for the baby, your support plan
What do you get?
- 10+ hours of learning together in person
- Topics ranging from birth satisfaction factors, decision making, stages of labour, pain coping strategies, finding your strength in labour – to what to expect the first 24hours and a postpartum plan and much more
- A small group setting where you can ask all the questions
- Weekly take-home digital materials for each session
- Optional exercises for you & your partner
- A wonderful community after the course is done
Cost and sign-up
Join with your partner - 5500 NOK total for 2 people
You are more than welcome to come with your partner or your friend or the person who will help you during birth or postpartum 🤍
Payment is made via Vipps to Avocado Parenthood business account - VIPPS # 819645I can't join in Aug, when will the next series be?
Please send me a message if you are interested in a class after August.

Would you like to join? Any questions that came up? Please send a quick message below:

Thank you, talk soon!

Have a nice day ahead!